Ownify features in Raleigh Magazine

A thumbnail of the Raleigh Magazine article with the headline 'Bridge the gap'

Read about how Ownify is unlocking the American Dream for first-time homebuyers 

In this article Frank Rohde, Ownify CEO, discusses how first-time homebuyers in the greater Raleigh metro area can now access homeownership in an innovative new way- via an equity based pathway rather than the traditional debt-based pathway.

Raleigh Magazine have done a great job summarizing how Ownify works and how it can help those who feel homeownership is out of reach.  Now buying a home without having had to save for many years for the down payment, or inheriting a large sum, could well be a possibility for many would be first-time homeowners in Raleigh.

You can read the article here.


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